- Designation: Additional Professor
- Qualification: MD (Community Medicine)
- Email:- dramoldongre@aiimsnagpur.edu.in
Areas of expertise
- Qualitative and mixed-methods evaluations in the field of Maternal and Child Health
- Non-communicable diseases and Medical Education
Membership & Training
- Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine. (L-1429)
- Indian Society for Medical Statistics. (200642/LM)
- Indian Public Health Association. (Life member L/2010/MAH/5197)
- South-East Asian Regional Association for Medical Education (SEARAME: 130LM/2014
- Epidemiology Foundation of India, LM:02627
- Dongre AR, Norcini J. Strengths, Weaknesses, and Suggestions for Improvement in Postgraduate Assessment in Community Medicine in India: A Delphi study. Indian J Community Med 2021; 46:464-8.
- Dongre AR, Deshmukh PR, Gupta SS, Garg BS. An Evaluation of ROME Camp: Forgotten Innovation in Medical Education. Education for Health, Vol. 23, issue 1, 2010.
- Dongre AR, Deshmukh PR. Farmers’ suicides in Maharashtra, India: A qualitative exploration of their perspectives. Journal of Injury and Violence Research 2011 Jan;3(1)
- Dongre AR, Deshmukh PR, Garg BS. Community Led Initiative for control of anemia among unmarried adolescent girls and children from rural Wardha. Food Nutrition and Bulletin. December 2011; 32(4): 315-323.
- Dongre AR, Deshmukh PR, Garg BS. The effect of community-based health education intervention on management of menstruation among rural Indian adolescent girls. World Health and Population. 2007
Books / Chapters Published:
- Dongre AR, Deshmukh PR, Garg BS: An approach to hygiene education among rural Indian school going children. In: Health Education in India. Bhaskaran S & Sumati B, editors. Published by The Icfai University Press. 1st ed. 2008.
- Dongre, A. and Robinson, C. (2014) Learning in the community. FAIMER-Keele Master’s in Health Professions Education: Accreditation and Assessment. Module 6, Unit 4. FAIMER Centre for Distance Learning, CenMEDIC, London.
- Pradeep Deshmukh, Rahul Narang, Amol Dongre, Prakash B Behere. Evaluation of diagnostic test in absence of gold standard: Special reference to GMHAT/PC tool. Mental Health Training for Health professionals: Global Mental Health Assessment Tool. Publication by Indian Psychiatric Society 2017.
- Published as book titled “Practical Guide: Qualitative Methods in Health and Educational Research” (Amol Dongre and Pradeep Deshmukh) – Published by Notion press on 21 September 2021. ISBN:
- Dongre AR. Qualitative Data Analysis of Interviews. In: Adkoli BV, Ray A, editors. Medical Education Research - Theory, Practice, Publication and Scholarship. 1st Edition. Amritsar: MEUINDIA; 2022. p. 181-90. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7011635.