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All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur


An Anaesthesiologist is a perioperative physician, who assures the smooth sailing of the patient right from the preoperative period into the intra operative period and a smooth pain free recovery post operatively.
The Department provides holisitic preoperative services, a varied range of evidence based anaesthesia services in the OR as well as outside the OR, and comprehensive post operative care. The Department also provides Critical Care Services for the perioperative period.
The department of Anaesthesiology at AIIMS Nagpur was formed in January 2020. Currently we are a department consisting of 7 faculty members, 10 senior residents and one junior resident. The department has been instrumental in setting up the Covid wards, Covid ICU, Liquid Medical Oxygen tanks, the medical gas pipeline system and the PSA plant, two OT complexes in the OPD building, 10 modular OTs and a 10 bedded Surgical ICU in the IPD complex.

Courses Offered: MD in Anaesthesiology & critical care