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All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur

Physiology Currently Available Services

Currently Available Services

  • Lifestyle Intervention Clinic: The Department of Physiology, AIIMS Nagpur has started the Lifestyle Intervention Clinic (LIC) at AIIMS Nagpur, inaugurated on 11th of October 2021 by the former Director, Major General Dr. Vibha Dutta.
  • The Lifestyle OPD is situated on the first floor of the AYUSH building and the OPD operates from Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM and on Saturdays, 9 AM to 1 PM.

  • The lifestyle consultation emphasizes on six pillars of Lifestyle Medicine: whole-food, plant-predominant eating; regular physical activity; restorative sleep; stress management; positive social connection; and avoidance of risky substances.

  • The Lifestyle Intervention Clinic actively engages in community outreach by conducting awareness programs targeting healthcare workers, school children, and the public.
  • By introducing Lifestyle Medicine in the form of electives for medical undergraduates, the Department of Physiology works for training future doctors with the principles of this transformative approach.

  • In December 2023, the state-of-the-art clinic was visited by the Honourable MoS, Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar, who took the lifestyle consultation along with her family members. She highlighted the clinic's significance in promoting optimal health through lifestyle modification.
  • The upcoming services include disease specific and regular yoga and physical activity sessions for patients, faculty, and students. There are plans to conduct culinary sessions for patients to empower them with the skills of healthy cooking. The Department of Physiology is also going to conduct short-term training courses and certificate courses for health care workers for their capacity building in lifestyle consultation.

  • Autonomic Function Testing: The AFT (Autonomic Function Testing) is functioning in the OPD building with the most advanced equipment Power lab, NIBP Nano Wrist Unit, and Tilt Table (AD Instruments) and providing all of the core tests to diagnose autonomic disorders.
  • Electrophysiology clinic: Electrophysiology clinic is located in OPD building. Diagnostic tests of importance like EMG, NCV, EP, VEP, BERA are done for referred patients
  • Cognitive Function Testing– testing of cognitive function and brain activation pattern using non-invasive Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNRIS) technique is being offered to patients.
  • Andrology Laboratory: The andrology lab of the Physiology Department is located on the first floor of the lab building where services like Routine semen analysis and advanced sperm function testing are done to aid in the diagnosis of male infertility and preparation of sperm preparation for ART.
      • Routine Semen Analysis: This analyses the health and viability of a man’s sperm. It is recommended when the couple fails to achieve successful pregnancy even after twelve months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. This helps the doctor to analyse and determine if a man is infertile.
      • Sperm function tests: These tests are performed to determine if the sperm have the capacity to reach and fertilize the ova naturally.
      • Sperm preparation for assisted reproduction: The laboratory has the facility of sperm preparation for assisted reproduction procedures. The ultimate goal of these preparations is to select the population of sperm that is most likely to result in successful fertilization. If a couple is diagnosed infertile and guided for assisted means of reproduction, the preparation of husband’s semen sample is done in the laboratory.
  • Lung Function Testing Laboratory: The PFT (Pulmonary Function Testing) is located in the OPD building and equipped with a    calibration-free computerized spirometer (Easy on PC Spirometer of NDD, Switzerland) and offers spirometry test to diagnose respiratory diseases.