Cardiology is a branch of medicine that deals with the disorders of the heart as well as parts of the circulatory system. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause for mortality. The field includes diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart diseases, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia and other disorders pertaining to heart or circulatory system. This includes both medical management and interventional cardiology procedures like Angiography, coronary and peripheral angioplasty for heart attack and limb ischemia, electrophysiological study and radio-frequency ablation for arrhythmia, Pacemakers, AICDs, CRTs and Device closures for congenital heart diseases. We have established the department of cardiology at AIIMS, Nagpur in October 2020 and is developing at rapid pace. Department of Cardiology aims to be recognized as a Centre of Excellence in the areas of clinical practices and interventions, academic research, education and training.
We have already started outpatient and inpatient management of cardiac patients. We are regularly performing various investigations like Echocardiography, Holter monitoring, Treadmill test etc. We are performing various invasive procedures, which includes angiography, angioplasty, temporary and permanent pacemaker, AICD etc. free of cost of schemes patients and in an affordable rate for paid category patients.