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All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur

Research and Publication Anatomy


1. Pal Asoke K, Ambulkar Prafulla S, Waghmare Jwalant E, Wankhede Vandana, Shende Moreshwar R, Tarnekar Aaditya M. Chromosomal Aberrations in Couples with Pregnancy Loss: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences 2018; 11 (3): 247- 253 [; IP:].

2. Hiware Sanket Dadarao, Gujar Vijay, Bokariya Pradeep, Tarnekar AM, Shende MR, Wankhede VR. Effect of Use of NSAID- Ibuprofen in Prolonged Therapeutic Doses on Mucosa of Lower Respiratory Tract of Mice- A Histological Study. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research 2018; 4 (4): 2-7.

3. Vaidya Yuganti Prabhakar, Tarnekar Aditya M, Shende Moreshwar R. Histomorphometric demonstration of the effect of chronic use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug– ibuprofen on mucosa of small intestine. Anatomy and Cell Biology 2018; 51:113-118.

4. Talhar Shweta S, Tarnekar AM, Sontakke BR, Waghmare JE, Shende MR. Effect of chronic exposure of Ibuprofen on cardiac muscle of swiss albino Mice. Global J of Res. Analysis. 2019; 8 (2): 72-74.

5. Sontakke BR, Deshmukh VD, Kirubhanand C, Gugapriya TS, Muthiyan GM, Tarnekar AM. Workable cadaveric preservation for developing skills training model-a Review. Preprints; 2020.

6. Sontakke BR, Deshmukh VD, Kirubhanand C, Gugapriya TS, Muthiyan GM, Tarnekar AM. Workable cadaveric preservation for developing skills training model- a Review. Preprints; 2020.

7. Gugapriya TS. Does the Side of Deviation of Nasal Septum have Concomitant Predictive Relation with Side of Sphenoid Septum Deviation? Int. J. of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery; 2021.10,1,20-23.

8. Gugapriya TS, An Analysis of Configuration of Lateral Lamella of Cribriform Plate of Ethmoid: A Computed Tomographic Study. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University; 2020. 9,3,48-55.

9. Gugapriya TS & A Arun Kumar. Revisiting intrathecal dorsal venous patterns of spinal cord at lumbar level as probable factor for post lumbar puncture spinal hematoma, Accepted.

10. Gugapriya T S, Banarjee S, Girish M, Damke S, Bhattad S., Attainment of Indian Medical Graduate (IMG) roles through the curriculum: The untold stakeholder perspective., Nat. J Clin Anat, 2022,11,30-06

11. TS Gugapriya8, Aaditya Madhusudan Tarnekar8, Gayatri Girish Muthiyan8, Vishwajit Ravindra Deshmukh8, Bharat Ramrao Sontakke8 & Kirubhanand chandrashekar8, Molecular docking analysis of PARγ with compounds from Ocimum tenuiflorum, Bioinformation, Nov 30 2021, 17,11, 928-931

12. Gowtham M, Gugapriya TS, Umredkar AA, Deulkar S. The Impact of COVID-19-Related Psychological Stress on Fetoplacental Circulation: A Doppler Scan of Umbilical Vessels in Third-Trimester Antenatal Women. Cureus. 2023 Jul 7;15(7):e41517. doi: 10.7759/cureus.41517. PMID: 37551208; PMCID: PMC10404444.

13. Karunakaran I, Sukhumar GT, Arun GT. Redefining the role of a learner in the competency-based medical curriculum. Korean J Med Educ. 2022 Dec;34(4):337-340. doi: 10.3946/kjme.2022.242. Epub 2022 Nov 29. PMID: 36464904; PMCID: PMC9726237.

14. Vinay kumar N, Gugapriya TS, et al A doppler ultrasonographic observation of interventional postural alterations on shear rates in peripheral arteries. Biomedicine: 2022; 42(2): 214-218. DOI:

15. Gugapriya TS, Karthick S, Nagarjuna B. A Prospective Study of Variability in Glycemic Control during Different Phases of the Menstrual Cycle in Type 2 Diabetic Women Using High Sensitivity C - Reactive Protein. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Apr;8(4):CC01-4. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/8118.4240. Epub 2014 Apr 15. PMID: 24959437; PMCID: PMC4064864.

16. Kasat PA, Muthiyan GG. Textbook of Spotters in Anatomy. 1st SARA Book Publication; 2020.

17. Sorte SR, Rathod SB, Mohite K, Kasat PA, Muthiyan GG, Ahirwar A, Patil A. Interactive pen digitizer to foster teaching. Physiology; 2020. 30.2(100),81-85.

18. Muthiyan G, Kasat P, Vij V, et al. Effectiveness of an Innovative Card Game as a Supplement for Teaching Factual Content to Medical Students: A Mixed Method Study. Cureus. 2023;15(10): e47768. doi:10.7759/cureus.47768

19. Kasat P, Deshmukh V, Muthiyan G, et al. The Role of the Flipped Classroom Method in Short-Term and Long-Term Retention Among Undergraduate Medical Students of Anatomy. Cureus. 2023;15(9): e45021. doi:10.7759/cureus.45021

20. Kasat PA, Muthiyan GG. Anatomical study of the middle turbinate and its applied importance. J Anat Soc India 2019;68:56- 61

21. Muthiyan GG, Hattangdi S, Kasat PA. Anatomical study of the osteomeatal complex of the middle meatus. Indian Journal of Anatomy. Jan 2016; Vol 5: 21 – 23.

22. Kasat PA, Muthiyan GG, Bhuiyan PS. A Morphological Study of Mental Foramen of the Dry Adult Human Mandibles. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. July 2016; Vol 4, issue 3.1: 2552

23. Sontakke BR, Deshmukh VD. COVID-19: a brief narrative. Eu. J of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences; 2020.7,6, 589-591.

24. Bharat Sontakke, Vishwajit Deshmukh, Kirubhanand C, Gayatri Muthiyan, Gugapriya TS, Aaditya Tarnekar, Partial Duplication of the Left Ureter and Enlarged Left Suprarenal Gland- A Case Report, Cureus, 2021,13,12, 1-5

25. R. Sontakke, P. Ambulkar, S. Talhar, J. E. Waghmare, Poonam Varma Shivkumar, V.B. Shivkumar, A. K. Pal. Optimizing Phenol-Chloroform Extraction Method for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Genomic DNA Isolation from Fresh Cervical Tissue. Indian Journal of Anatomy. 2017;6(2): 165-167.

26. Sontakke BR, Ambulkar PS, Talhar S, Shivkumar PV, Bharambe MS, Pal A. Molecular genetic study to detect prevalence of high-risk human papilloma virus strains (type 16 & 18) in cervical lesions & asymptomatic healthy subjects of rural central India. Journal of Cytology. 2019;36(1): 32-37.

27. Shweta S. Talhar, Prafulla S. Ambulkar, Bharat R. Sontakke, Pranita J. Waghmare, Moreshwar R. Shende, Asoke K. Pal, Pratibha Narang. Oxidative stress and its impact on mitochondrial DNA in pulmonary tuberculosis patients- a pilot study. Indian Journal of tuberculosis. 2019;66: 227-33.

28. Chandrasekaran Kirubhanand, Jayaraman Selvaraj2, Umapathy Vidhya Rekha3 et al., Molecular docking analysis of Bcl-2 with phytocompounds, Bioinformation; 2020. Volume 16,6,468-473.

29. Chandrasekaran Kirubhanand Jayaraman Selvaraj2, Umapathy Vidhya Rekha3et al., Molecular docking data of piperine with Bax, Caspase3, Cox 2 and Caspase 9. Bioinformation; 2020. Volume 16,6,458-461.

30. Jayaraman Selvaraj1, Rajagopal Ponnulakshmi2, Veeraraghavan Vishnupriya1, Chandrasekar Kirubhanand et al., Molecular docking analysis of Enterotoxin I from Staphylococcus aureus with Nafcillin analogues. Bioinformation; 2020. Volume 16,10,731-735.

31. Senthilkumar Kalimuthu, Selvaraj Jayaraman, Kirubhanand Chandrasekaran et al., Molecular docking analysis of compounds from Justica adhatoda L with the MUC1 oncoprotein. Bioinformation; 2020. Volume 16,11,937-941.

32. Chandrasekaran K, β- Sitosterol circumvents obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance by down-regulating IKKβ/NF-κB and JNK signaling pathway in adipocytes of type 2 diabetic rats. Molecules; 2021. 26,2101,1-21.

33. Kirubhanand, Improved Antibacterial Activity of Water-Soluble, Nanoformulated Kaempferol and Combretastatin Polyphenolic Compounds, International Journal of Polymer Science, 26 Oct 2021, 2021, Article ID 5682182,12

34. Kirubhanand Chandrashekar, Bharat Ramrao Sontakke, Vishwajit Ravindra Deshmukh, , Gayatri Girish Muthiyan, Aaditya Madhusudan Tarnekar, T S Gugapriya, Molecular docking analysis of glycogen phosphorylase with inhibitors from Cissampelos pareira Linn, Bioinformation, 2021,17,10,866-869

35. Chandrasekar Kirubhanand, β -Sitosterol Circumvents Obesity Induced Inflammation and Insulin Resistance by down-Regulating IKK_/NF-_B and JNK Signaling Pathway in Adipocytes of Type 2 Diabetic Rats, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute,2021,26,2101,1-21

36. Subbaraj GK, Masoodi T, Yasam SK, Chandrashekar K, Kulanthaivel L, Shaik NA, Hashem S, Akil AS, Bhat AA. Anti-angiogenic effect of nano-formulated water soluble kaempferol and combretastatin in an in vivo chick chorioallantoic membrane model and HUVEC cells. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2023 Jul 1;163:114820.

37. Kirubhanand C, Merciline Leonora J, Anitha S, Sangeetha R, Nachammai KT, Langeswaran K, Gowtham Kumar S. Targeting potential receptor molecules in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) using in silico approaches. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2023 Feb 9;10:1124563.

38. Jayaraman S, Devarajan N, Rajagopal P, Babu S, Ganesan SK, Veeraraghavan VP, Palanisamy CP, Cui B, Periyasamy V, Chandrasekar K. β-Sitosterol circumvents obesity induced inflammation and insulin resistance by down-regulating IKKβ/NF-κB and JNK signaling pathway in adipocytes of type 2 diabetic rats. Molecules. 2021 Apr 6;26(7):2101.

39. Muthaiah VP, Michael FM, Palaniappan T, Rajan SS, Chandrasekar K, Venkatachalam S. JNK1 and JNK3 play a significant role in both neuronal apoptosis and necrosis. Evaluation based on in vitro approach using tert-butylhydroperoxide induced oxidative stress in neuro-2A cells and perturbation through 3-aminobenzamide. Toxicology in Vitro. 2017 Jun 1;41:168-78.

40. Muthaiah VP, Palaniappan T, Rajan SS, Chandrasekar K, Venkatachalam S. Attenuation of oxidative stress after contusion spinal cord injury through inhibition of Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase involves glutamate cysteine ligase. Process Biochemistry. 2019 Sep 1;84:180-5.

41. Deshmukh VD, Sontakke BR. COVID-19: a conundrum to decipher. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci.; 2020. 24,10,5830-5841.

42. Deshmukh VD, COVID 19 diagnostic multiplicity and its role in community surveillance and control. Infez Med; 2020. 28, Suppl, 18-28.

43. Deshmukh VD, Sontakke BR, SeXX and COVID-19: tussle between the two. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis; 2020.90,4,563-570.

44. Deshmukh VD, Histopathological observations in COVID-19: a systematic review, BMJ Journal of Clin. Pathology; 2020.1,1,1-8.

45. Deshmukh VD, Renal carcinoma is associated with increased risk of coronavirus infections. Mol. Biosci; 2020. Volume 7,1-12.

46. Deshmukh V, Talhar S, Muthiyan G, Kasat P, Chandrasekaran K, Sontakke B. Insights with consensus on Abductor Pollicis Longus from the Central Indian population at Nagpur, Maharashtra. Bioinformation. 2023;19(11):1111.

47. Deshmukh V, Motwani R, Kumar A, Kumari C, Raza K. Histopathological observations in COVID-19: a systematic review. Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2021 Feb 1;74(2):76-83.

48. Motwani R, Deshmukh V, Kumar A, Kumari C, Raza K, Krishna H. Pathological involvement of placenta in COVID-19: a systematic review. Le infezioni in medicina. 2022;30(2):157.

49. Deulkar S, Borate S, Tarnekar A, Gugapriya TS, Khan MF. Morphometric analysis and classification of nostril type among the Mumbai and Western Maharashtra population. Int J Acad Med Pharm. 2023;5(4): 2105-2108.  DOI: 10.47009/jamp.2023.5.4.423

50. Deulkar S, Gathe S, Borate S, Shende V. Morphometric Data of Nose in Western Maharashtra Population: A Cross Sectional Study. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research. 2015;2(3): 694-696.

51. Deulkar S, Shende V, Gathe S. Assessment of nose width in western Maharashtra population: A crossectional study. International Journal of Research in Health Sciences. 2015 Oct-Dec;3(4): 471-473.

52. Kumar AA, Kumar NV, Snehal D, Gugapriya TS. A Morphological Study of Myocardial Bridges in the Fetal Heart. Maedica (Bucur). 2023 Dec;18(4):571-575. doi: 10.26574/maedica.2023.18.4.571. PMID: 38348086; PMCID: PMC10859190.

53. Arun Kumar, Sudha Seshayyan, V.Tamilalagan, M.Sindou. SURGICAL ANATOMY  OF  DORSAL  ROOT  ENTRY  ZONE  OF CERVICAL  SPINAL  NERVES : CADAVERIC  STUDY. Int J Anat  Res 2014;2(2):296-304.

54. Arun Kumar, & Surya Prabha. (2018). Dorsal rootlet ganglion: First report. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences, 5(1), 166–168.

55. Arivalagan Arunkumar, Bhargavan Rajesh, V. Tamilalagan, Variations among Foramen Transversarium in Cervical Vertebrae and its Clinical Significance, Indian Journal of Anatomy, Volume  7, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2018, Pages 144-148, DOI: