Following services/investigations are being offered by Department of Biochemistry at AIIMS Nagpur
Hematology Abnormality Test |
Kidney Function |
Liver Function |
- Homocysteine
- Serum Lactate
- Coagulation profile
- protein C, S anti thrombin-III
- Glucose Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G, 6PD)
- Acid Phosphatase
- C Reactive protein
- C Reactive protein (Quantitative)
- Blood Gas Analysis
- Blood Gas Analysis With Electrolytes
- Tests For Antiphospholipid Antibodies Syndrome
- Serum Iron
- Total Iron Binding Capacity
- Serum Ferritin
- Vitamin B12 Assay
- Folic Acid Assay
- Fructosamine
- VitD3 Assay
- Blood Urea Nitrogen
- Serum Creatinine
- Creatinine Clearance
- Serum Uric Acid
- Serum Calcium-Total
- Serum Calcium-Ionic
- Serum Phosphorus
- Serum Magnesium
- Serum Sodium
- Serum Potassium
- Chloride
- Magnesium
- B2 Microglobulin
- plasma renin activity
- Beta-2 Microglobulin Assay
- Serum Aspartate transaminase
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Albumin
- Total Protein Alb / Glo Ratio
- Serum Aspartate transaminase
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Albumin
- Total Protein Alb / Glo Ratio
- Serum copper
- Serum ceruloplasmin
- Lactate dehydrogenase
- Serum Ammonia
Lapid Profile |
Pancreatic Function |
Cardiac Function |
- Lipid Profile (Total Cholestrol, LDL- Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, Trigylcerides)
- Extended Lipid Profile (Total Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, Trigylcerides, Apo A1, Apo B, Lp(a) )
- Apo A1
- Apo B
- Lp (a)
- LDL-Cholesterol
- Serum Amylase
- Serum Lipase
- Creatinine Kinase MB
- Creatinine Kinase Total
- Troponin I
- Troponin G
- Serum homocysteine
Obstetrics & Gynecology |
Urine Function |
CSF Function |
- Acid Phosphatase
- Triple Marker
- Urine routine - pH, specific gravity, sugar, protein and microscopy
- Urine- Microalbumin
- 24hrs Urine For Protein, Sodium, Creatinine
- Urine Bile Pigment And Salt
- Urine Urobilinogen
- Urine Ketones
- Urine Occult Blood
- Urine Total Proteins
- urinary VMA
- Urinary metanephrine /Normetanephrine
- Urinary free catechlolamine
- urinary sodium
- urinary chloride
- urinary potassium
- urinary calcium
- Glucose
- Microprotein
- Potassium
- Lactate
Tumor markers |
Hormones and related Endocrinology parameter |
Other special investigations |
- PSA-Total
- PSA-Free
- CA. 125
- CA 19, 9.
- CA 15, 3.
- Vinyl Mandelic Acid
Thyroid & Parathyroid Workup
- T3
- T4
Diabetes Workup
- Thyroglobulin
- Thyroid binding globulin
- thyroglobulin antibody
Sexual Hormones Workup
- LH
- Prolactin
- Progesterone
- 17-DH Progesterone
- Androstendione
- sex hormone binding globulin
- Estradiol
Adrenal Hormones Workup
- Cortisol
- Catecholamines
- serum aldosterone
- 24hrs Urinary aldosterone
- serum aldosterone/ renin ratio
- osmolality urine
- osmolality serum
- 24hrs Urinary free cortisol
Immunological Workup
- Immunofluorescence
- Direct (Skin And Kidney Disease)
- Serum Protein Electrophoresis With Immuno-fixation electrophoresis (IFS)
- Indirect (Anti ds DNA Anti Smith ANCA )
- Anti Cyclic citrullinated Peptide (Anti CCP )
- Anti Tissue transglutaminase Antibody
- ANA.
- Ds DNA
Clinical Pathology Laboratory:
- Urine –Routine and microscopy
- Urine Micro albumin
- Stool routine
- Stool occult blood
- Post coital smear examination and semen examination
Hematology Laboratory
- Complete blood count
- ESR and PS
- Platelet count
- Reticulocyte count
- Absolute eosinophil count
- Packed cell volume
- Smear for malarial parasite
- Bleeding time and clotting time
- Osmotic fragility test
- Bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy examination with iron stain
- Bone marrow smear examination with cytochemistry
- Rapid test for malaria
- WBC cytochemistry for leukemia complete panel
- Bleeding disorder panel-Pt,APTT,Thrombin time,Fibrinogen,D-Dimer/FDP
- Factor Assay VIII and IX
- Platelet function test
- Correction studies in coagulation
- Thalassemia studies
- Red cell indices and Hb HPLC
- Test for sickling/HPLC
- Flow cytometry for leukemia and lymphoma
- Coombs Test
Cytology Laboratory
- Cervical PAP smear examination
- FNAC cytopathology examination
- CSF cell count and microscopic examination
- Examination of body fluids for malignant cells (Exfoliative cytology)
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services
- Musculoskeletal Pain management
- Muscle Strengthening and training in conditions like Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy etc.
- Musculoskeletal USG guided interventions- Botulinum Toxin A injection, intra articular injections etc.
- Post COVID 19 Pulmonary rehabilitation
- Loco-motor Disability evaluation and certification
Physiotherapy services
- Local therapeutic ultrasound therapy
- TENS therapy
- SWD therapy
- Gait training
Upcoming services
- Occupational therapy services
- Prosthetics and orthotics services
- Diabetic foot care clinic
Transfusion Medicine Services
OPD SERVICES – Transfusion Medicine Consultative Services:
- Transfusion Support in different Clinical Scenarios e.g Sickle Cell Anemia, Thalassemia, Antenatal, Surgical Case
- Patient Blood Management
- Transfusion reaction investigation
- Identification of rare red cell alloantibodies and the corresponding product selection required for this type of patient
- Utilization of Massive Transfusion Protocol
- Evaluation and product selection for platelet refractoriness
- Appropriate product selection for patients with factor deficiencies
- Treatment strategies for uremic bleeding
- Evaluation for Cold Agglutination Syndrome
- Evaluation for Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria (Donath Landsteiner test)
- Maximizing hemostasis prior to invasive procedures
- Interpretation of viscoelastic testing (ROTEM) in bleeding patients
PATIENT SERVICES – caters to the Patient Transfusion need via Blood Storage Center:
- Whole Blood Transfusion Support (24 X &)
- ABO/Rh typing
- Antibody screening
- Antibody identification.
- Direct antiglobulin test
- Indirect antiglobulin test
- Alloantibody titers
- Transfusion reaction work-up
- Fetal RBC screen
- Red cell phenotyping
FACILITIES (to be started soon) - Our blood centers shall be divided into various sections:
- Blood Donation Services
- Apheresis Services (donation and therapeutic)
- Serological Laboratory
- NAT Laboratory
- Component Processing Laboratory
- Crossmatch and Issue Laboratory for Blood Components
- Reference Immunohematology Laboratory
Radiodiagnosis Services
- Ultrasound:
- Routine USGs
- Color Doppler studies eg. arterial , venous carotid, portal
- Antenatal ultrasound and Doppler
- Ultrasound guided procedures eg. Pleural/peritoneal fluid tapping ,FNACs, biopsies ,drainage procedure.
2.X ray CR/DR system: Various views with scanograms
Digital Mammography:Digital mammography with assisted biopsies.
CT scan (256 slice Dual energy dual source CT scanner):
- CT scans of different region
- CT angiographies including coronary,pulmonary, cerebral.
- CT perfusion study
- Dual energy CT for renal calculi
- Virtual imaging eg. Bronchoscopy
- CT guided biopsies
- CT guided therapeutic procedures
5.MRI: Coming soon
6.Fluoroscopy: Coming soon
7.Digital subtraction Angiography (DSA): Coming soon