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All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur


Following services/investigations are being offered by Department of Biochemistry at AIIMS Nagpur

Hematology Abnormality Test  Kidney Function   Liver Function
  1. Homocysteine
  2. Serum Lactate
  3. Coagulation profile
  4. protein C, S anti thrombin-III
  5. Glucose Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G, 6PD)
  6. Acid Phosphatase
  7. C Reactive protein
  8. C Reactive protein (Quantitative)
  9. Blood Gas Analysis
  10. Blood Gas Analysis With Electrolytes
  11. Tests For Antiphospholipid Antibodies Syndrome
  12. Serum Iron
  13. Total Iron Binding Capacity
  14. Serum Ferritin
  15. Vitamin B12 Assay
  16. Folic Acid Assay
  17. Fructosamine
  18. VitD3 Assay
  1. Blood Urea Nitrogen
  2. Serum Creatinine
  3. Creatinine Clearance
  4. Serum Uric Acid
  5. Serum Calcium-Total
  6. Serum Calcium-Ionic
  7. Serum Phosphorus
  8. Serum Magnesium
  9. Serum Sodium
  10. Serum Potassium
  11. Chloride
  12. Magnesium
  13. B2 Microglobulin
  14. plasma renin activity
  15. Beta-2 Microglobulin Assay
  1. Serum Aspartate transaminase 
  2. Alkaline Phosphatase
  3. Albumin
  4. Total Protein Alb / Glo Ratio
  5. Serum Aspartate transaminase 
  6. Alkaline Phosphatase
  7. Albumin
  8. Total Protein Alb / Glo Ratio
  9. Serum copper
  10. Serum ceruloplasmin
  11. GGTP
  12. Lactate dehydrogenase
  13. Serum Ammonia
Lapid Profile Pancreatic Function Cardiac Function 
  1. Lipid Profile (Total Cholestrol, LDL- Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, Trigylcerides)
  2. Extended Lipid Profile (Total Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, Trigylcerides, Apo A1, Apo B, Lp(a) )
  3. Apo A1
  4. Apo B
  5. Lp (a)
  6. LDL-Cholesterol
  1. Serum Amylase
  2. Serum Lipase
  1. Creatinine Kinase MB
  2. Creatinine Kinase Total
  3. Troponin I
  4. Troponin G
  5. Serum homocysteine
Obstetrics & Gynecology  Urine Function CSF Function
  1. Acid Phosphatase
  2. Triple Marker
  1. Urine routine - pH, specific gravity, sugar, protein and microscopy
  2. Urine- Microalbumin
  3. 24hrs Urine For Protein, Sodium, Creatinine
  4. Urine Bile Pigment And Salt
  5. Urine Urobilinogen
  6. Urine Ketones
  7. Urine Occult Blood
  8. Urine Total Proteins
  9. urinary VMA
  10. Urinary metanephrine /Normetanephrine
  11. Urinary free catechlolamine
  12. urinary sodium
  13. urinary chloride
  14. urinary potassium
  15. urinary calcium
  1. Glucose
  2. Microprotein
  3. Potassium
  4. Lactate
Tumor markers Hormones and related Endocrinology parameter Other special investigations
  1. PSA-Total
  2. PSA-Free
  3. AFP
  4. HCG
  5. CA. 125
  6. CA 19, 9.
  7. CA 15, 3.
  8. Vinyl Mandelic Acid

Thyroid & Parathyroid Workup  

  1. T3
  2. T4
  3. TSH

Diabetes Workup

  1. TPO
  2. Thyroglobulin
  3. Thyroid binding globulin
  4. thyroglobulin antibody

Sexual Hormones Workup

  1. LH
  2. FSH
  3. Prolactin
  4. Progesterone
  5. 17-DH Progesterone
  6. DHEAS
  7. Androstendione
  8. sex hormone binding globulin
  9. Estradiol

Adrenal Hormones Workup

  1. Cortisol
  2. Catecholamines
  3. serum aldosterone
  4. 24hrs Urinary aldosterone
  5. serum aldosterone/ renin ratio
  6. osmolality urine
  7. osmolality serum
  8. 24hrs Urinary free cortisol

Immunological Workup

  1. Immunofluorescence
  2. Direct (Skin And Kidney Disease)
  3. Serum Protein Electrophoresis With Immuno-fixation electrophoresis (IFS)


  1. Indirect (Anti ds DNA Anti Smith ANCA )
  2. Anti Cyclic citrullinated Peptide (Anti CCP )
  3. Anti Tissue transglutaminase Antibody
  4. ANA.
  5. Ds DNA


Clinical Pathology Laboratory:

  • Urine –Routine and microscopy
  • Urine Micro albumin
  • Stool routine
  • Stool occult blood 
  • Post coital smear examination and semen examination

Hematology Laboratory

  • Complete blood count
  • ESR and PS
  • Platelet count
  • Reticulocyte count 
  • Absolute eosinophil count 
  • Packed cell volume 
  • Smear for malarial parasite
  • Bleeding time and clotting time
  • Osmotic fragility test
  • Bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy  examination with iron stain
  • Bone marrow smear examination with cytochemistry
  • Rapid test for malaria
  • WBC cytochemistry for leukemia complete panel
  • Bleeding disorder panel-Pt,APTT,Thrombin time,Fibrinogen,D-Dimer/FDP
  • Factor Assay VIII and IX
  • Platelet function test
  • Correction studies in coagulation
  • Thalassemia studies
  • Red cell  indices and Hb HPLC
  • Test for sickling/HPLC
  • Flow cytometry for leukemia and lymphoma 
  • Coombs Test

Cytology Laboratory

  • Cervical PAP smear examination
  • FNAC cytopathology examination
  • CSF cell count and microscopic examination
  • Examination of body fluids for malignant cells (Exfoliative cytology)


Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services 


  • Musculoskeletal Pain management
  • Muscle Strengthening and training in conditions like Stroke, Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy etc.
  • Musculoskeletal USG guided interventions- Botulinum Toxin A injection, intra articular injections etc.
  • Post COVID 19 Pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Loco-motor Disability evaluation and certification

Physiotherapy services

  • Local therapeutic ultrasound therapy
  • TENS therapy
  • SWD therapy
  • Gait training 

Upcoming services

  • Occupational therapy services
  • Prosthetics and orthotics services
  • Diabetic foot care clinic 


Transfusion Medicine Services


OPD SERVICES – Transfusion Medicine Consultative Services:

  1. Transfusion Support in different Clinical Scenarios e.g Sickle Cell Anemia, Thalassemia, Antenatal, Surgical Case
  2. Patient Blood Management 
  3. Transfusion reaction investigation
  4. Identification of rare red cell alloantibodies and the corresponding product selection required for this type of patient
  5. Utilization of Massive Transfusion Protocol
  6. Evaluation and product selection for platelet refractoriness
  7. Appropriate product selection for patients with factor deficiencies
  8. Treatment strategies for uremic bleeding
  9. Evaluation for Cold Agglutination Syndrome
  10. Evaluation for Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria (Donath Landsteiner test)
  11. Maximizing hemostasis prior to invasive procedures
  12. Interpretation of viscoelastic testing (ROTEM) in bleeding patients

PATIENT SERVICES – caters to the Patient Transfusion need via Blood Storage Center:

  • Whole Blood Transfusion Support (24 X &)
  • ABO/Rh typing 
  • Antibody screening
  •  Antibody identification.
  • Direct antiglobulin test
  • Indirect antiglobulin test
  • Alloantibody titers
  • Transfusion reaction work-up
  • Fetal RBC screen
  • Red cell phenotyping

FACILITIES (to be started soon) - Our blood centers shall be divided into various sections:

  1. Blood Donation Services 
  2. Apheresis Services (donation and therapeutic) 
  3. Serological Laboratory 
  4. NAT Laboratory 
  5. Component Processing Laboratory 
  6. Crossmatch and Issue Laboratory for Blood Components
  7. Reference Immunohematology Laboratory


Radiodiagnosis Services


  1. Ultrasound: 
  • Routine USGs
  • Color Doppler  studies eg. arterial , venous  carotid, portal 
  • Antenatal ultrasound and Doppler
  • Ultrasound guided procedures eg. Pleural/peritoneal  fluid tapping ,FNACs, biopsies ,drainage procedure.

2.X ray CR/DR system: Various views with scanograms

  1. Digital Mammography:Digital mammography  with  assisted biopsies.

  2. CT scan (256 slice Dual energy dual source CT scanner): 
  • CT scans of different  region
  • CT angiographies including coronary,pulmonary, cerebral.
  • CT perfusion study 
  • Dual energy CT for renal calculi
  • Virtual imaging eg. Bronchoscopy
  • CT guided biopsies 
  • CT guided therapeutic procedures

5.MRI: Coming soon

6.Fluoroscopy: Coming soon

7.Digital subtraction Angiography (DSA): Coming soon