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All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur

Strategic Goals of the Medical Biotechnology Department:

  1. Research Excellence via Innovative Approaches:
    • Plan and execute ground-breaking research in medical biotechnology to address critical healthcare challenges.
    • Focus on areas like regenerative medicine, molecular diagnostics, and personalized therapeutics.
  2. Execute the Capacity Building Programmes:
    • Train and mentor the young of researchers and professionals in medical biotechnology field.
    • Establish advanced world class facilities and resources to support medical education and scientific research.
  3. Promote Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
    • To improve translational research, encourage partnerships with clinical departments, academic institutions, and medical Industries.
    • Foster collaboration between different fields of study in order to generate new ideas and comprehensive healthcare approaches.
  4. Develop Global Competitiveness:
    • Establish the department as a frontrunner in the field of medical biotechnology.
    • Join forces with other countries and cities to improve healthcare around the world.
  5. Focus on Community and Public Health Impact:
    • Develop biotechnological treatments for common ailments in India and around the world that are both accessible and inexpensive.
    • Make sure that society reaps the benefits of biotech advances by actively engaging in community outreach.
  6. Long-Term Viability and Expansion:
    • Apply for several funding agencies for Research grant and resources to support long-term research projects in the department.
    • Create a solid foundation that can expand and change to meet new healthcare demands.