Department | Publication in the year 2020 |
Anatomy | |
Gugapriya T.S. Does the Side of Deviation of Nasal Septum have Concomitant Predictive Relation with Side of Sphenoid Septum Deviation?, Int. J. of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery,2021,10,1,20-23 | |
Gugapriya T.S., An Analysis of Configuration of Lateral Lamella of Cribriform Plate of Ethmoid: A Computed Tomographic Study, Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University,2020,9,3,48-55 | |
Arunkumar A RIVALAGAN, Gugapriya TS, Revisiting Intrathecal Dorsal Venous Patterns of the Spinal Cord at Thoracolumbar Level as Probable Factor for Post Lumbar Puncture Spinal Hematoma, Turkish Neurosurgery, 2021, Pg 1-6, available from: , doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.jtn.32196-20.2 | |
Dr Payal Kasat , Dr Gayatri Muthiyan, Book publication – Textbook of Spotters in Anatomy, SARA Book Publication,2020, First Edition. | |
Dr Payal Kasat , Dr Gayatri Muthiyan, Interactive pen digitizer to foster teaching, Physiology,2020,30.2(100),81-85. | |
Bharat Sontakke, Vishwajit Deshmukh, COVID-19: A BRIEF NARRATIVE, Eu. J of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences,2020,7,6, 589-591. | |
Chandrasekaran Kirubhanand et al., Molecular docking analysis of Bcl-2 with phytocompounds, Bioinformation, 2020, Volume 16,6,468-473. | |
Chandrasekaran Kirubhanand et al., Molecular docking data of piperine with Bax, Caspase3, Cox 2 and Caspase 9, Bioinformation, 2020, Volume 16,6,458-461. | |
Chandrasekaran Kirubhanand et al., Molecular docking analysis of Enterotoxin I fromStaphylococcus aureus with Nafcillin analogues, Bioinformation, 2020, Volume 16,10,731-735. | |
Chandrasekaran Kirubhanand et al., Molecular docking analysis of compounds from Justica adhatoda L with the MUC1 oncoprotein, Bioinformation,2020, Volume 16,11,937-941. | |
Dr. Kirubhanand.C, β- Sitosterol circumvents obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance by down-regulating IKKβ/NF-κB and JNK signaling pathway in adipocytes of type 2 diabetic rats, Molecules,2021,26,2101,1-21. | |
V deshmukh , B. Sontakke, COVID-19: a conundrum to decipher, Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. ,2020,24,10,5830-5841. | |
Deshmukh V, COVID 19 diagnostic multiplicity and its role in community surveillance and control, Infez Med,2020,28, Suppl, 18-28. | |
Deshmukh V, Sontakke B, SeXX and COVID-19: tussle between the two, Monaldi Arch Chest Dis,2020,90,4,563-570. | |
Vishwajit Deshmukh, Histopathological observations in COVID-19: a systematic review, BMJ (Journal of Clin. Pathology, 2020,1,1,1-8. | |
Vishwajit Deshmukh, Renal carcinoma is associated with increased risk of coronavirus infections, Front. Mol. Biosci,2020, Volume 7,1-12. | |
Biochemistry | |
Nitin Ashok John, Rajani Bala Jasrotia , Jyoti John, Arvind Kanchan, Manish Verma, Vibha Gangwar. Guided Effect of Visual, Auditory, Tactile and Olfactory Stimuli on Heart Rate Variability and Psychological Health. Ann. Int. Med. Den.Res. 2020; 6(2):PH01-PH06. | |
N John, Jyoti John. Implications of COVID-19 infections in Sickle cell disease - Commentary. Pan African Medical Journal. Volume 36: 81; 2020 | |
Jyoti John, N John. Imminent risk of COVID-19 in Diabetes Mellitus and Undiagnosed Diabetes Mellitus patients- Commentary. Pan African Medical Journal. 2020;36 (158) | |
Asia P, Sharma A, Kumar Ahirwar A, Garg S, John Jyoti, Gopal N. The study of ischemia modified albumin as an early biomarker of epilepsy in adolescent population: a cross-sectional study. Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig. 2021 Feb 4. doi: 10.1515/hmbci-2020-0060. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33544499. | |
V Gangwar, N John, M Verma, Jyoti John, R Gangwar, R Jasrotia. Impact of high intensity exercise on lung volumes, lung capacities and breathe holding time. Int Journal of Health and Clinical Research. Vol 3: No 10; 67-73 (2020). | |
Singh S, Ahirwar AK, Asia P, Gopal N, Kaim K, Ahirwar P. COVID-19 and neurology perspective. HormMolBiolClin Invest. 2021 Feb 23;42(1):69-75 | |
Malviya A, Ahirwar AK, Tripathi SC, Asia P, Gopal N, KirtiKaim K. COVID-19: a review on SARS-CoV-2 origin, epidemiology, virology, clinical manifestations and complications with special emphasis on adverse outcome in Bhopal Gas Tragedy survivor. HormMolBiolClinInvestig. 2021 Feb 19;42(1):63-68. doi: 10.1515/hmbci-2020-0070. Online ahead of print. | |
Pallath MM, Ahirwar AK, Tripathi SC, Asia P, Sakarde A, Gopal N. COVID-19 and nutritional deficiency: a review of existing knowledge. HormMolBiolClinInvestig. 2021 Feb 4;42(1):77-85. doi: 10.1515/hmbci-2020-0074. Online ahead of print. | |
Tripathi SC, Jolly MK, Mani SA, Levine H. Editorial: Characterizing the Multi-Faceted Dynamics of Tumor Cell Plasticity. Front MolBiosci. 2021 Jan 20;7:630276. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2020.630276. eCollection 2020. | |
Tripathi SC, Deshmukh V, Creighton CJ, Patil A. Renal Carcinoma Is Associated With Increased Risk of Coronavirus Infections. Front MolBiosci. 2020 Nov 20;7:579422. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2020.579422. eCollection 2020. | |
Subbalakshmi AR, Kundnani D, Biswas K, Ghosh A, Hanash SM, Jolly MK, Tripathi SC. NFATc Acts as a Non-Canonical Phenotypic Stability Factor for a Hybrid Epithelial/Mesenchymal Phenotype. Front Oncol. 2020 Sep 8;10:553342. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.553342. eCollection 2020. | |
Patil A, Tripathy JP, Deshmukh V, Sontakke B, Tripathi SC. SeXX and COVID-19: tussle between the two. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis. 2020 Sep 18;90(4). doi:10.4081/monaldi.2020.1461. | |
Tripathi SC, Deshmukh V, Patil A, Tripathy JP. COVID 19 diagnostic multiplicity and its role in community surveillance and control. Infez Med 2020 Jun 1;28(suppl 1):18-28. | |
Deshmukh V, Tripathi SC, Pandey A, Deshmukh V, Vykoukal J, Patil A, Sontakke B. COVID-19: A Conundrum to Decipher. Eur Rev Med PharmacolSci 2020; 24 (10): 5830-5841 | |
Deshmukh V, Tripathi SC, Pandey A, Deshmukh V, Vykoukal J, Patil A, Sontakke B. COVID-19: A Conundrum to Decipher. Eur Rev Med PharmacolSci 2020; 24 (10): 5830-5841 | |
Shivnani, D., Raman, E.V.,Amle, D. The COVID TIDE Approach: A Protocol for Safe Tracheostomy Practice in COVID Patients. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. January 2021;73(2),197–206. | |
Kaim K, Ahirwar AK, Ahirwar P, Sakarde A. Kerala model for combating COVID-19 pandemic (letter to editor). HormMolBiolClin Invest. 2021 Feb 12;42(1):1-2 | |
Meghana MP, Ahirwar AK, Tripathi SC, Asia P, Sakarde A, Gopal N. COVID-19 and Nutritional Deficiency: A review of existing knowledge. HormMolBiolClin Invest. 2021 Feb 4;42(1):77-85 | |
Pal A, Ahirwar AK, Sakarde A, Asia P, Gopal N, Alam S, Kaim K, Ahirwar P, Sorte SR. COVID-19 and cardiovascular disease: a review of current knowledge. HormMolBiolClin Invest. 2021 Feb 4;42(1):99-104 | |
Bansod S, Ahirwar AK, Sakarde A, Asia P, Gopal N, Alam S, Kaim K, Ahirwar P, Sorte SR. COVID-19 and Geriatric population: from pathophysiology to clinical perspectives. HormMolBiolClin Invest. 2021 Feb 4;42(1):87-98 | |
Ahirwar AK, Asia P, Sakarde A, Kaim K. COVID-19 outbreak–Diabetes aspect and perspective. Current Medicine Research and Practice. 2020 May-Jun;10(3):134 | |
Ahirwar AK, Asia P, Sakarde A, Bhardwaj S. COVID 19 Outbreak: Potential of Biochemistry Speciality. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. 2020 Apr 18;35(3):1-2 |
Community Medicine | |
Deshmukh PR, Akkilagunta S. Socioeconomic status: A theoretical framework for the development and use of assessment tools. Indian J Community Fam Med [serial online] 2020 [cited 2021 Jun 26];6:4-8. Available from: | |
Narang R, Deshmukh P, Sherwal BL. Moving beyond clinical medicine: Revised mandate for public health microbiology. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2020 Apr-Jun;38(2):137-138. doi: 10.4103/ijmm.IJMM_20_302. PMID: 32883924. | |
Shahane-Kapse PL, Shende MR, Kar S, Deshmukh P, Bhandari D, Narang R. Making cotton face masks extra-protective by use of impervious cloth as the front layer to restrict flow of aerosols and droplets. medRxiv [Internet]. 2020; Available from: | |
Saple P, Gosavi S, Pawar T, Chaudhari G, Mahale H, Deshmukh P, Kurundkar A, Pedgaonkar S, Thakare S. Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 of IgG antibody by ELISA: Community-based, cross-sectional study from urban area of Malegaon, Maharashtra. J Family Med Prim Care [serial online] 2021 [cited 2021 Jun 26];10:1453-8. Available from: | |
Kushwaha AS, Banerjee S. Public health action for controlling COVID-19 pandemic in India: Way forward. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth [serial online] 2021 [cited 2021 Feb 12];14:14-20. Available from: | |
Banerjee S, Kushwaha AS, Akkilagunta S, Bandyopadhyay K, Tripathy JP, Kalaiselvi S, et al. Strategies of India against coronavirus disease 2019: A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2020;13:588-94. | |
Maheshwari V, Porwal N, Gadhavi R, Kushwaha A, Yadav AK. Pattern of injuries sustained during training: A retrospective record-based study. J Mar Med Soc 0;0:0 (Ahead of print) | |
Sunny R, Kar SS, Papa D, Akkilagunta S, Olickal JJ. Pathways to care and diagnostic delay among cervical cancer patients attending a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry: a cross-sectional study. Int J Community Med Public Health 2020;7:2298-302. | |
Giri P, Krishnaraj B, Chandra Sistla S, Sistla S, Basu D, Shankar G, Akkilagunta S, Ruparelia J. Does negative pressure wound therapy with saline instillation improve wound healing compared to conventional negative pressure wound therapy? - A randomized controlled trial in patients with extremity ulcers. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2020 Dec 24;61:73-80. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2020.12.015. PMID: 33408857; PMCID: PMC7773677. | |
Tripathi SC, Deshmukh V, Patil A, Tripathy JP. COVID 19 diagnostic multiplicity and its role in community surveillance and control. Infez Med. 2020;28(suppl 1):18-28. | |
Oliveira A, Selvaraj K, Tripathy JP, et al. Geospatial clustering, seasonal trend and forecasting of Kyasanur Forest Disease in the state of Goa, India, 2015-2018. Trop Med Health. 2020;48:27 | |
James SL, Castle CD, Dingels ZV, et al. Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 24]. Inj Prev. 2020;injuryprev-2019-043494. | |
Tripathy JP. Does pandemic justify the use of hydroxychloroquine for treatment and prevention of COVID-19 in India? [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 24]. J Med Virol. 2020;10.1002/jmv.25933 | |
Nisar N, Aamir UB, Badar N, Mahmood MR, Yaqoob A, Tripathy JP, Laxmeshwar C, Tenzin K, Zaidi SSZ, Salman M, Ikram A. Epidemiology of Influenza among patients with influenza-like illness and severe acute respiratory illness in Pakistan: A 10-year surveillance study 2008-17 [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 21]. J Med Virol. 2020;10.1002/jmv.25913 | |
Banerjee S, Kushwaha AS, Akkilagunta S, Bandyopadhyay K, Tripathy JP, Kalaiselvi S, Khan MF, Solanki R, Deshmukh PR. Strategies of India against coronavirus disease-2019: A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2020;13:588-94 | |
Patil A, Tripathy JP, Deshmukh V, Sontakke B, Tripathi SC. SeXX and COVID-19: tussle between the two. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis. 2020 Sep 18;90(4) | |
Veeraiah S, Elangovan V, Tripathy JP, Krishnamurthy A, Anand T, Reddy MM, Sudhakar R, K N, Subramani D, Rajaraman S, Elluswami HR, Nirgude A. Quit attempts among tobacco users identified in the Tamil Nadu Tobacco Survey of 2015/2016: a 3 year follow-up mixed methods study. BMJ Open. 2020 Sep 3;10(9):e034607 | |
James SL, Castle CD, Dingels ZV, et al. Estimating global injuries morbidity and mortality: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study [published online ahead of print, 2020 Aug 24]. Inj Prev. 2020;injuryprev-2019-043531 | |
Datta B, Jaiswal A, Goyal P, Prakash A, Tripathy JP, Trehan N. The untimely demise of the TB Free block model in the wake of coronavirus disease 2019 in India. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2020 Aug 14:traa067. | |
Tripathy JP, Verma M. Impact of Health Warning Labels on Cigarette Packs in India: Findings from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2016-17 [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 23]. Behav Med. 2020;1-10 | |
Tripathy JP. Smoke-free workplaces are associated with smoke-free homes in India: evidence for action [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 18]. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2020;10.1007/s11356-020-10107-5 | |
Lohiya S, Tripathy JP, Sagili K, et al. Does Drug-Resistant Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Hinder TB Elimination Plans? A Case from Delhi, India. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2020;5(3):E109 | |
Tripathy JP. Is publication ethics becoming a casualty of Covid-19? Indian J Med Ethics. 2021 Jan-Mar; VI(1):1-3 | |
Grover S, Anand T, Kishore J, Tripathy JP, Sinha DN. Tobacco Use Among the Youth in India: Evidence From Global Adult Tobacco Survey-2 (2016-2017). Tobacco Use Insights 2020; 13: 1-7 | |
Veeraiah S, Sudhakar R, Tripathy JP, Sankar D, Usharani A, Ramakrishnan S, Selvam J, Nagarajan G, Prabhakar DS, Swaminathan R. Tobacco use and quitting behaviour during COVID-19 lockdown. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2021 Mar 1;25(3):247-249 | |
Prasad BM, Tripathy JP, Muraleedharan VR, Tonsing J. Rising Catastrophic Expenditure on Households Due to Tuberculosis: Is India Moving Away From the END-TB Goal? Front Public Health. 2021 Feb 15;9:614466 | |
Tripathy JP. Socio-demographic correlates of quit attempts and successful quitting among smokers in India: Analysis of Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2016-17. Indian J Cancer. 2021 Jan 6. doi: 10.4103/ijc.IJC_213_19 | |
Bidkar V, Selvaraj K, Mishra M, Shete V, Sajjanar A. A comparison of swab types on sample adequacy, suspects comfort and provider preference in COVID-19. American Journal of Otolaryngology. 2021 Mar 1;42(2):102872. | |
Venugopal V, Thekkur P, Selvaraj K, Sahu SK. Injury and its associated factors among residents of an urban slum during the festival month in South India: A community-based survey. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2020 Dec 1;9(12):6041. | |
Oliveira A, Selvaraj K, Tripathy JP, Betodkar U, Cacodcar J, Quadros N, Wadkar A. Geospatial clustering, seasonal trend and forecasting of Kyasanur Forest Disease in the state of Goa, India, 2015–2018. Tropical medicine and health. 2020 Dec;48:1-4. | |
Janarthinakani M, Kalaiselvi S, Priyadarshini R, Arun S, Shashidhar K, Krishnakumar R, Manjunath N, Roopa S, Raman SG. Does neoadjuvant chemotherapy increase the survival in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer patients?–A real-world evidence. Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology. 2020 Nov 1;41(6):832. | |
Banerjee S, Kushwaha AS, Akkilagunta S, Bandyopadhyay K, Tripathy JP, Kalaiselvi S, Khan MF, Solanki R, Deshmukh PR. Strategies of India against coronavirus disease-2019: A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis. Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil Vidyapeeth. 2020 Nov 1;13(6):588. | |
Bidkar V, Mishra M, Selvaraj K, Joshi P, Shrikrishna BH, Dabhekar S, Prathipati KK, Rathod BS, Shendre P, Gondode P. Testing Olfactory and Gustatory Dysfunctions among Quarantine COVID-19 Suspects. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2020 Oct 14:1-6. | |
Karpurmath SV, Seshachalam A, Selvaraj K, Rajamani P, Reddy N, Malipatil B, Sirigeri R, Prasad K, Reddy K, Danthala M, Udupa KS. Halving Time of BCR-ABL1 in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Is It Better Than Day-90 Value—A Multicenter Study From South India. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia. 2020 May 1;20(5):e205-11. | |
Kar SS, Selvaraj K, Ramaswamy G, Premarajan KC, Saya GK, Kalidoss V. High prevalence of prehypertension and its association with modifiable risk factors: findings of household steps survey from Urban Puducherry, South India. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2020;11. | |
M.Mercy, Kalaiselvi S. Time Utilisation Pattern during Active Case Finding Of Tuberculosis in a Programmatic Setup in Pondicherry. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research 2021;4(1):582-586. | |
Dalui A, Banerjee S, Roy R. Determinants of out-of-pocket and catastrophic health expenditure in rural population: A community-based study in a block of Purba Barddhaman, West Bengal. Indian J Public Health. 2020 Jul-Sep;64(3):223-228. doi: 10.4103/ijph.IJPH_848_20. PMID: 32985421. | |
Das S, Banerjee S, Naskar S, Das DK. Care-seeking behaviour of suspected snakebite cases admitted in a medical college of West Bengal: A pathway analysis. Med J Armed Forces India. 2021 Jan;77(1):58-62. doi: 10.1016/j.mjafi.2019.11.003. Epub 2020 Apr 29. PMID: 33487867; PMCID: PMC7809565. | |
Banerjee S, Bandyopadhyay K, Taraphdar P, Dasgupta A. Perceived discrimination among tuberculosis patients in an urban area of Kolkata City, India. J Global Infect Dis [serial online] 2020 [cited 2020 Oct 31];12:144-8. Available from: | |
Dermatology | |
Choudhary S, Srivastava A, Sahni M, Tummudi S. Non isomorphic and non isotopic multidermatomal Discoid Lupus Erythematosus – A rare subtype of cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2020 ;11(5):804-805. PMID: 33235851 | |
Choudhary S, Srivastava A, Joshi D, Tummudi S. Localized grain-leather plaque in urticaria pigmentosa – an unusual coexistence of dual morphology. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2020;11(5):796-798. PMID: 33235849 | |
Choudhary S, Srivastava A. Wood’s lamp as an inexpensive, handy tool to diagnose solar urticaria. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2020;11(5):833-834. PMID: 33235860 | |
Srivastava A, Choudhary S. Knuckle Pigmentation as an Early Cutaneous Sign of Vitamin B12 Deficiency: A Case Report. JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc. 2020 58(230):798–800. PMCID: PMC7654476 | |
Choudhary S, Srivastava A, Rupla R, Goel G. Rare clinical presentation of histoplasmosis. Int J Dermatol. 2021;60(3):e108-e110. PMID: 33095476. | |
Choudhary S, Srivastava A, Gupta S. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum and angioid streaks. QJM. 2020 Jun 5:hcaa190. PMID: 32502256 | |
Choudhary S, Srivastava A. Podophyllin and salicylic acid combination along with paring for treatment of cutaneous warts. J Dermatolog Treat. 2020;1-4.PMID: 32643462 | |
Choudhary S, Srivastava A, Narula S. Isolated Lower Motor Neuron Facial Nerve Palsy in a Patient of Varicella: A Case Report. JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc. 2020;58(224):258‐260. PMID: 32417865 | |
Jain S, Patra S, Choudhary S, Kaur M. An easy way to make blisters in suction blister grafting of vitiligo with Hijama therapy cups. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020 May 23:S0190-9622(20)30974-9. PMID: 32454099. | |
Lade NR, Morey PD. Subcorneal pustular dermatosis in pregnancy: A rare presentation and excellent response to topical steroid. Dermatologic Therapy, Dec 2020, 34(1):e14608. PMID: 33289283. | |
Sawatkar GU, Vinay K. Strawberry Gums. J Cutan Med Surg. 2021 Jun 2:12034754211023059. doi: 10.1177/12034754211023059. | |
Sawatkar G, Vinay K. A young boy with livid rash. Indian J Med Res 152 (Supplement), November 2020, pp 5 | |
Hajare SA, Wankhade VH, Sawatkar GU, Singh RP. The Puzzle of Papules Over Face and Extrafacial Areas: A Rare Case of Disseminated Idiopathic T-Cell Pseudolymphoma. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2021 Mar 2;12(2):312-315. | |
Sawatkar GU, Narang T, Muthu V, Dogra S, Handa S. Sudden Cardiac Death in a Young Patient With Psoriasis. Cutis. 2021 Feb;107(2):E21-E23. | |
Gondode P, Sawatkar G, Kamal F, Raipure A, Dabhekar S. Ramadan Fasting and COVID-19 Testing: Lessons learnt from 2020: Pandemic versus Faith. International Journal of Medical and Surgical Sciences 2021, (8)2:1-2 | |
Dental | |
Dr vandana gade, Dr Neelam Bajaj, Dr snehal Sonarkar et al . Mucormycosis : tsunami of Fungal Infection after Second wave of Covid 19. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology 2021 Vol 25 issue 6 pages 7231-7238. | |
ENT | |
Bidkar V, Mishra M, Selvaraj K, Joshi P, H SB, Dabhekar S, Prathipati KK, Rathod BS, Shendre P, Gondode P. Testing Olfactory and Gustatory Dysfunctions among Quarantine COVID-19 Suspects. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Oct 14:1-6. doi: 10.1007/s12070-020-02210-3. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33078124; PMCID: PMC7556564. | |
Bidkar V, Selvaraj K, Mishra M, Shete V, Sajjanar A. A comparison of swab types on sample adequacy, suspects comfort and provider preference in COVID-19. Am J Otolaryngol. 2021 Mar-Apr;42(2):102872. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2020.102872. Epub 2020 Dec 29. PMID: 33418177; PMCID: PMC7831439 | |
Forensic Medicine & Toxicology | |
Shrigiriwar MB, Bhosle SS, Padole TO, Kuchewar SV. Recent trends of unnatural deaths amongst the children and adolescent in Yavatmal region of Maharashtra. Journal of Forensic Medicine Science and Law 2020;29(1):4-11. | |
Sujatha PL, Ananda K, Sane MR. A descriptive study on alleged sexual offenders in south Bangalore. Medico-legal Update 2020;20(3):196-200. | |
Kumar A, Sane MR, Singh A, Harish D. Burns vs. toxic epidermal necrolysis: A Medicolegal dilemma. Medico-Legal Journal 2020;88(3):160-2. | |
Zine KU, Sane MR, Mugadlimath AB. Froth in nose and Mouth as an Antemortem sign in hanging: An observational study. JKAMLS 2020;20(1): 16-20 | |
Wankhade T, Bhagwat D, Ranjan A, Tirpude BH, Murkey PN, Khandekar IL. Analysis of injury pattern and Forensic Medicine Management in a case of Bomb Blast Injury. Medico-legal Update 2020;20(4):2483-86. | |
General medicine | |
Harshal Pise, Rajashree Khot, P P Joshi. Monoclonal Antibodies in COVID…Where do we stand? Vidarbha Journal of Internal Medicine January 2021; Volume 30: pages 58-65 | |
Khot R, Dube AH, Rathod BD, Joshi PP, Kumbhalkar SD. Impact of lockdown period on chronic diseases. Indian J Med Spec 2021; Volume 12; Issue 3: 22-27 | |
Thakker V, Bhangare S, Joshi R, Ghotkar V, Chavhan P, Thomare G, Joshi PP. Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, their awareness and gender differences in Adolescents, Indian Journal of Applied Research 2021; Volume – 11; Issue – 05: 1-5 (Print ISSN no. 2249-555X/DOI:10.36106/ijar) | |
Waghale RM, Khot RS, Joshi PP. Platelet volume indices: markers of carotid atherosclerosis in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus? Clinical Diabetology 2020: 9 (2):103-111 | |
Rathi BJ, Khot RS, Joshi PP. Eating disorders and their Clinical Correlates Diabetes Mellitus. IJMSCR 2020; 3(6): 325-334 | |
Bidker V, Mishra M, Selvaraj K, Joshi PP, Srikrishna BH, Dabhekar S et. al, Testing Olfactory and Gustatory Dysfunction among Quarantined COVID-19 Suspects. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Oct. 2020, 1-6. Online: | |
General Surgery | |
Saxena D, Dubhashi SP, Mehra B, Sawarkar P. Basal Cell carcinoma on Forehead: A case report with clinicopathological review. EAS J Med Surg 2021;3(1):9-12. | |
Saxena D, Dubhashi SP, Kharkate G. Appendicitis and COVID-19: yet another clinical dilemma. Int Surg J 2021;8(1):351-353. | |
Dubhashi SP, Jenaw R. Critical View of Safety for Safe laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. J Krishna Inst Med Sci Univ 2020;9(4):44-49. | |
Dubhashi SP, Dubhashi RS. Mammary Tuberculosis in the male: a case report and review of literature. J Soc Surg Nep 2020;23(1):44-46. | |
Papadimos TJ, Sogohian SE, Nanayakkara P, Singh S, Miller AC, Saddikuti V, Jayatilleke AU, Dubhashi SP, Firsternberg MS, Dutta V, Chauhan V, et al. COVID-19 blind spots: A consensus statement on the importance of competent political leadership and the need for public health cognizance. JGID 2020;12(4):167-190. | |
Dubhashi SP. John Murphy: Surgeon Par Excellence. J Int Med Sci Acad 2020;33(2):112-113. | |
Dubhashi SP, Kumar A, Kadam R. Blast Injury of the Scrotum. J Emerg Trauma Shock 2020;13:233. | |
Dubhashi SP, Dalvi SD, Goel RB, Kadam NN, Kadam SN, Jadhav PM. Gandhian values in Health Science Education: Need for global revamp in Higher Education. Int J Cur Res Rev 2020;12(14): 40-45. | |
Kamble P, Dubhashi SP. Expedited COVID-19 vaccine trials: a rat-race with challenges and ethical issues. Pan African Medical Journal 2020;36:206. | |
Dubhashi SP, Galvankar S, Bhate S, Sancheti A, Bedi HS. Cardiovascular-thoracic surgeons stepping in as trauma surgeons: ideal prescription for trauma care in India. J Emerg Trauma Shock 2020;13;114-115. | |
Stawicki SP, Jeanmonod R, Miller AC, Paladino L, Gaieski DF, Yaffee AQ, Wulf AD, Grover J, Papadimos TJ, Bloem C, Galwankar SC, Chauhan V, Firstenberg MS, Somma SD, Jeanmonod D, Garg SM, Tucci V, Anderson HL, Fatimah L, Worlton TJ, Dubhashi SP, Glaze KS, et al. The 2019–2020 Novel Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) Pandemic: A Joint American College of Academic International Medicine-World Academic Council of Emergency Medicine Multidisciplinary COVID-19 Working Group Consensus Paper. J Global Infect Dis 2020. (doi: 10.4103/jgid.jgid_86_20). | |
Dubhashi SP. Double Ureter. J Clin Images 2020;3(10):1037. | |
Dubhashi SP. Hand and Foot Anomalies. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2020;19(4):18-19. | |
Dubhashi SP. Symbrachydactyly. Journal of Clinical and Medical Images 2020;54(1). | |
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Neonatology | |
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Obstetrics & Gynaecology | |
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Tiwari P. Fetal abnormality at the routine third-trimester growth scan. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Feb 22:S0002-9378(21)00118-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2021.02.021. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33631109. | |
Mukherjee S, Bhartiya N, Tiwari P, Khurana U. A giant retroperitoneal liposarcoma with hemoperitoneum: A rare tumor with unusual presentation. Indian J Med Sci, doi: 10.25259/IJMS_9_2021. | |
Tiwari V, Tiwari P. Denosumab after total hip arthroplasty. Lancet Rheumatol. 2021;3(6): e405-e406. | |
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Tiwari P. Genital tuberculosis screening at an academic fertility center in the United States. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Feb 4:S0002-9378(21)00083-1. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2021.02.001. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33548189. | |
Mukherjee S, Tiwari P, Bhartiya N, Sanghamita R. Pentalogy of Cantrell with ectopia cordis: A rare case with review of literature. Indian J Med Sci, doi: 10.25259/IJMS_107_2021 | |
Rahul Vishwanath Mayekar, Gopalkrishna Vinayak Paradkar, Archana Anilkumar Bhosale,Rekha Sachan, , Sumalatha Beeram, Ashok Ramachandra Anand, Shuchita Ramesh Mundle,Yamini Trivedi, Rashmi Kiran Pandharinath Patole, Pradip Wamanrao Sambarey, Gautam Vinod Daftary, James John, Ganesh Harishchandra Divekar, Recombinant anti-D for prevention of maternal-foetalRh(D) alloimmunization: a randomized multi-centre clinical trial. Obstet Gynecol Sci 2020;63(3):315-322 pISSN 2287-8572 • eISSN 2287-8580 | |
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Orthopaedics | |
Tiwari V, Dwidmuthe S, Sahoo SS. Letter to the Editor: The "Cough Trick" Reduces Pain During Removal of Closed-suction Drains after Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Trial. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2020 May;478(5):1133-1134. doi: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000001204. | |
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Tiwari V. Letter to the Editor: "Comparison of early post-operative complications following unilateral or single-stage bilateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty". Knee. 2021 Mar;29:589-590. doi: 10.1016/j.knee.2021.02.013. | |
Pediatrics | |
Shabrish S, Kelkar M, Yadav RM, Bargir UA, Gupta M, Dalvi A et al. The Spectrum of Clinical, Immunological, and Molecular Findings in Familial Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis: Experience From India. Front Immunol. 2021 Mar 5;12:612583. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.612583. PMID: 33746956; PMCID: PMC7973116. | |
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Amruta Choudhary, Abhijit Choudhary, Deepti Shrivastava. COVID-19 AND PREGNANCY. Journal of Critical Reviews. 2020 May;7 (10), 193-97 doi:10.31838/jcr.07.10.43 | |
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Psychiatry | |
Vaidyanathan S, Jaiswal SV. Tardive Dyskinesia: Prevention and newer management strategies. Annals of Indian Psychiatry. 2020; 4(1): 10 – 19. | |
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Radiodiagnosis | |
Dr. Chetana Ratnaparkhi, Text Book of Oral medicine Radiology,1st edition,CBC Publishers and distributors Pvt .Ltd chapter no. 36,Advance imaging ,pg480-490. | |
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Das M, Gupta D, Radeva P, Bakde AM. NSST domain CT–MR neurological image fusion using optimised biologically inspired neural network. IET Image Processing. 2020 Dec 14;14(16):4291-305. | |
Das M, Gupta D, Radeva P, Bakde AM. Multi‐scale decomposition‐based CT‐MR neurological image fusion using optimized bio‐inspired spiking neural model with meta‐heuristic optimization. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. 2021 Apr 4. | |
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Transfusion Medicine | |
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Chenna D, Shastry S, Das S. Cocktail protocol for preparation of platelet-rich fibrin glue for autologous use. Malays J Med Sci. 2021;28(1):35–40. | |
Pharmacology | |
Kalikar M, Dakhale G, Shrirao M. Effect of educational intervention on awareness of pharmacovigilance among medical graduates in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Perspectives in clinical research. 2020, April june ,11(2):92-96. | |
Sinha V, Giradkar A, Kalikar M, Dakhale G. A case of dapsone syndrome:a case report. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res 2020,sep-oct ,64(1):73-7 | |
Chindhalore C, Dakhale G, Giradkar A. Comparison of self medication practices with analgiscs among undergraduate medical and paramedical students in central India-a questionnaire based study. Journal of education and health promotion 2020, Nov, 1-6. | |
Kadam RL, Sontakke SD, Tiple P, Motghare VM, Bajait CS, Kalikar MV. Comparative evaluation of efficacy and tolerability of vilazodone, escitalopram and amitriptyline in patients of major depressive disorder: A randomized, parallel, open-label clinical study. Indian J Pharmacol 2020;52:79-85. | |
Khot AM, Chaukimath SP,Janagond A, Hugar L. A Study of Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions; Clinical/Morphological Pattern & Causative Agents Reported in an ADR Monitoring Centre in a Tertiary Care Hospital of North Karnataka. Biomed Pharmacol J. 2020 Sep 25;13(3):1549–54. | |
Inamdar SZ, Chirasani S, Janagond A, Londhe S, Katragadda P, Paramagond M, Kulkarni RV, Naikwadi A, Khot AM, Patil AV. Phenytoin Induced Steven Johnson Syndrome: ACase Report. Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice 13(4):373-76. | |
Inamdar SZ, Jakanur S, Katragadda P, Janagond A, Paramagond M, Kulkarni RV, Naikwadi A, Khot AM, Patil AV. Drug Induced Hypersensitivity Syndrome Secondary to Phenobarbitone. Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice 13(3): 284-286 | |
Dr. Gajbhiye S, Koli P, Harit M, Chitrakar M, Bavane V, Chawda M. An Evaluation of the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Abhraloha Compared With Oral Ferrous Ascorbate on Iron Deficiency Anemia in Women: A Randomized Controlled, Parallel- Group, Assessor-Blind Clinical Trial. Cureus. 2021. |