Pathology Currently Available Services
Cytology: Fully functional Cytology laboratory with FNAC and exfoliative cytology reporting.
- Cell block and intra operative cytology reporting.
Histopathology: Fully functional histopathology laboratory with tissue diagnostic services.
- Routine tissue processing with H & E.
- Special stains.
- Equipped to diagnose amyloid
Clinical pathology: laboratory at CCL equipped to perform urine and body fluid analysis
Hematopathology:Services for conducting bone marrow aspiration and biopsy and reporting of same.
- Routine giemsa staining and reporting of bone marrow.
- Cytochemistry like pearls stain and myeloperoxidase.
Fully functional routine hemogram lab.
Laboratory services for work up of anemia patients equipped with Hb HPLC & other test for hemolytic anemia work up like
- Sickling test
- Reticulocyte count
- Screening test for G6PD deficiency
- Hb H preparation
Blood group testing services
Courses offered- MBBS, M. D. Pathology, Ph D
Course for B.Sc medical lab technicians is approved and commencing from 2021.
Department office: Department of Pathology
IInd Floor, Medical College Building,
Academic Block, AIIMS, Mihan, Nagpur.