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All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur

About Pathology

About The Department

Department of Pathology at AIIMS, Nagpur, envisions leading the developments in field of academic pathology. It will be actively engaged in discovery, clinical application and innovation in study of diseases, to ensure patient safety and well being. It is committed to dissemination of knowledge besides training the undergraduate and post graduate students to achieve excellence to patient care.     
We aim to:
•    Train undergraduate and post graduate students to enhance the understanding of disease causation, application of knowledge to provide highest quality patient care and to lead further developments in chosen field of interest
•    Provide opportunities of capacity development for staff to enhance their skills and lead the research by example and build and promote platforms for dissemination of knowledge and skills
•    To foster research in curriculum development, basic research into  various aspects of disease understanding and management and initiate and  promote interdisciplinary, intramural and translational research
•    Being part of AIIMS  the Department will strive to provide best possible laboratory services to patients and community, seeking innovations and improvement in order to provide safe, efficient and cost effective lab services
•    Generate resource material and providing facilities  for training faculty and students in nuances of diagnosis, research and patient care  and for spreading awareness in community for prevention of diseases.