Speciality Clinic Of Pediatrics Department
Sr.No |
Speciality clinic |
Day/Time |
Incharge |
1 |
Endocrinology/Diabetes |
1st Monday 2-4pm
Dr. Meenakshi Girish |
2 |
Neurology/DMD |
Every Tuesday 11-1pm
Dr Shikha Jain |
3 |
Developmental Delay |
2nd Wednesday- Autism 4th Wednesday- CP & other disabilities 11-1pm
Dr Urmila Dahake |
4 |
Sickle Cell disease/Hematology |
2nd & 4th Thursday 11-1pm
Dr Akash Bang |
5 |
Paediatric chest clinic (Allergy, Asthma, cystic fibrosis sleep medicine)
Every Thursday 9am-1pm
Dr Abhishekh Madhura |
6 |
Saturday 12-1pm
Dr Meenakshi Girish
Dr Supriya Kushwah |
7 |
Paediatric Gastroenterology
Saturday 12-1pm
Dr Himali Meshram |
Immunisation and Well baby Clinic - Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Disability Certification - Disability certification for children with Specific Learning Disability
Scope of Services
A .Intensive Care
Diagnostic services:
Diagnostic workup and intensive monitoring of sick children & adolescents with
- Respiratory distress and failure
- Upper airway obstruction (epiglottitis, croup etc)
- Lower airway obstruction (bronchiolitis, asthma, foreign body etc) Lung Parenchymal Diseases (Pneumonias, ARDS, Pulmonary edema etc)
- Disordered control of breathing (Raised ICT, Status epilepticus)
- Circulatory Failure- Compensated & Hypotensive shock (Hypovolemic, Cardiogenic, Septic, Obstructive)
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Neurologic dysfunction and emergencies
- Hepatic dysfunction and emergencies
- Renal dysfunction and emergencies
- Fluid, electrolyte disturbances
- Endocrine and Metabolic emergencies
- Severe sepsis, serious infections, multi-inflammatory syndromes
- Oncological emergencies
- Post operative monitoring
Therapeutic services
Emergency stabilization followed by Critical care for all the above categories of sick children
1 Basic & Advanced Airway Management
- Intubation, Bronchoscopy, FB removal, Tracheostomy
2.Management of respiratory distress & failure
- Oxygen therapy
- Noninvasive ventilation
- Invasive ventilation
- Thoracocentesis
- Chest tube insertion
3.Management of shock
- Fluid therapy
- Blood and Blood Component therapy
- Vasoactive drugs therapy
4.Management of Cardiac arrhythmias
- Defibrillation, Cardioversion
- Pharmacological therapy
5.Neurologic dysfunction and emergencies
- Medical management of raised ICT, status epilepticus
6.Hepatic dysfunction and emergencies
- Interventions to control GI bleed
- Acute and Chronic Liver Failure
7.Renal dysfunction and emergencies
- Medical management of hypertension, nephrotic, nephritic syndromes
- Plasmapheresis
- Renal Replacement Therapy
8.Fluid, electrolyte disturbances
9.Endocrine and Metabolic emergencies
- Management of DKA
- Management of Metabolic Acidosis
10.Severe sepsis, serious infections, multi-inflammatory syndromes
11.Oncological emergencies
- Management of Tumour Lysis syndrome
- Management of febrile neutropenia
12.Post operative monitoring
13.Environmental emergencies- Heat stroke, Snake/Scorpion bites, Stings
Supportive services
- Family counselling
- Genetic counselling
- Webinars / Workshops for empowerment of doctors and paramedics.
B Sickle Cell and Hematology
Diagnostic services:
Providing diagnostic testing of following hematologic conditions in children & adolescents
- Sickle Cell Trait, Sickle Cell Anemia, Mixed Hemoglobinopathies
- Thalassemias
- Chronic Hemolytic Anemias (Defects of red cell membranes, enzymes, autoimmune etc)
- Nutritional, Iron deficiency, Megaloblastic Anemias
- Anemia of unknown origin
- Evaluation of Thrombocytopenias, ITP, Pancytopenias
- Evaluation of suspected Leukemias and Lymphomas
- Evaluation of Bone Marrow Failure syndromes
- Evaluation of bleeding and coagulation disorders
- Monitoring for complications of Sickle Cell Anemia- cardiac, renal, pulmonary, ocular, orthopedic
Therapeutic services
- Comprehensive management of Sickle Cell and Hemoglobinopathies- Pharmacological management of steady state, Management of Vaso-occlusive, Aplastic, Sequestration & Hemolytic crises
- Special Vaccines for Sickle Cell Anemia, Thalassemia, Splenectomy patients
- Acute and Chronic Blood and Blood Component Transfusions
- Iron chelation therapy
Supportive services
- Family counselling for Sickle Cell Anemia, other chronic hemolytic and hematologic diseases
- Genetic counselling
- Disability certification
- Rehabilitation
- Webinars / Workshops for empowerment of caregivers
Diagnostic services:
Providing diagnostic testing of following neurodevelopmental disabilities in children.
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (MCHAT, ISAA, ACSF: SC, INCLEN ASD)
- ADHD (INCLEN ADHD, VAnderbilt ADHD assessment scale)
- Intellectual Disability (IQ test, VSMS)
- Specific Learning Disability (SLD battery of tests)
- Cerebral Palsy (IDDEA card, Clinical assessments)
- Global Developmental Delay (DQ, SQ assessments
- Rheumatology
- Therapeutic services
- Support services
- Paediatric Gastroenterology DIAGNOSTIC
- Supportive
- Pediatric Endocrinology
- Therapeutic services
- Support services
- Paediatric PULMONOLOGY
Therapeutic services:
For the identified neurodevelopmental disabilities providing therapeutic services as following
- Pharmacotherapy
- Behavior therapy
- Behavior counselling
- Family counselling
Support services
- Caregivers training in WHO-CST module
- Disability certification for Specific Learning Disability
- Genetic counselling
- Teacher training workshops Conducting workshops for healthcare providers in early identification and referral services for neurodevelopmental disabilities
D Rheumatology
Diagnostic services
Comprehensive laboratory and imaging back up for diagnosing all rheumatological conditions including:
- Systemic Lupus erythematous
- Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
- Juvenile Ankylosing spondylitis
- Enthesitis related arthritis
- Kawasaki disease
- Sjögren’s syndrome
- Scleroderma
- Juvenile dermatomyositis
- Vasculitis and other rheumatological disorders
Therapeutic services
- 24/7 indoor services for emergencies and hospitalisation
- Weekly speciality clinic on Fridays
- Management of comorbidities like optic neuritis, Pulmonary arterial hypertension etc
- Safety and use of conventional DMARDS, IVIg and biologicals
- Serial monitoring of symptoms and disease activity
- Vaccination
- Prevention and early detection of complications
- Pain management
Support services
- Patient education for preventing complications and disease flare
- Counselling for long term treatment
- Arrange funds for treatment when necessary
- Epilepsy
- Muscular dystrophy clinic
- Neuromuscular disorders
- Inborn error of metabolism
- Immunological disorders
- Neuroinfections
- MRI brain with various latest sequencing analysis, CT scan, EEG, NCV, EMG, ECHO services are provided within the institute in collaboration with various departments
- Few genetic tests are now outsourced from the institute at subsidised rates
- Pharmacotherapy
- Genetic counselling
- Various drug under clinical trial as therapeutic option for untreatable diseases
- Follow up care and rehabilitation for outpatients
- Community program- Sensitisation of school teachers regarding epilepsy, and providing diagnostic and therapeutic services to children with epilepsy attending urban and rural government school in Nagpur District
F Paediatric Gastroenterology
- Liver biopsy.
- Ascitic tap.
- Evaluation of Chronic liver Disease, chronic Gi disorders, Acute liver Failure, acute
- And chronic Pancreatitis
- Management of Acute liver Failure, acute Hepatitis, chronic liver disease,
- Chronic Diarrhoea, IBD, Gerd, celiac Disease, Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis
- Education and Dietary Counselling of Child and Parents for Celiac Disease,
- Wilsons Disease, other Chronic liver And GI Disorders.
G Pediatric Endocrinology:
Diagnostic services:
- Growth charting and assessment for children with growth failure.
- Growth hormone stimulation test for children with suspected growth hormone deficiency.
- Etiological and complication screening of obesity.
- Evaluation of children with delayed and precocious puberty.
- Evaluation of children with gynecomastia, micropenis and undescended testis
- Evaluation of children with atypical genitalia
- Evaluation of adolescents with menstrual irregularity
- Evaluation of children with goiter and solitary thyroid nodule
- Evaluation of children with hypoglycemia
- Evaluation of children with both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Evaluation of children presenting with rickets
Therapeutic services:
- Growth hormone therapy for children with short stature as indicated
- Hormonal replacement in multiple pituitary hormone deficiency
- Pubertal induction in delayed puberty4. Treatment of precocious puberty, menstrual disorders and micropenis
- Insulin therapy in children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
- Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in adolescents
- Thyroxine supplementation in children with congenital and acquired hypothyroidism
- Treatment of Grave’s disease and other causes of thyrotoxicosis
- Steroid replacement in cases with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
- Treatment of resistant rickets
Support services
- Comprehensive diabetes education
- Financial support to non affording families of diabetes patients
- Training of healthcare providers for timely identification patients with endocrine disorders.
- Genetic counseling
- Periodic monitoring of all the children with endocrinal disorders
Therapeutic services:
- Growth hormone therapy for children with short stature as indicated
- Hormonal replacement in multiple pituitary hormone deficiency
- Pubertal induction in delayed puberty4. Treatment of precocious puberty, menstrual disorders and micropenis
- Insulin therapy in children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
- Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in adolescents
- Thyroxine supplementation in children with congenital and acquired hypothyroidism
- Treatment of Grave’s disease and other causes of thyrotoxicosis
- Steroid replacement in cases with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
- Treatment of resistant rickets
Support services
- Comprehensive diabetes education
- Financial support to non affording families of diabetes patients
- Training of healthcare providers for timely identification patients with endocrine disorders.
- Genetic counseling
- Periodic monitoring of all the children with endocrinal disorders
H Paediatric Pulmonology
- Pediatric Bronchoscopy
- Allergy testing
- Pediatric ASTHMA/Allergy clinic on Thursday
- Pediatric Pulmonology clinic on Thursday
- Pediatric Allergy testing Centre
- Allergen specific immunotherapy for dust mite and pollen sensitized patients.
- Pediatric Sleep Studies
- NIV initiation and titration studies