- Presented a poster titled ‘Gaps in offer to Quit Tobacco Use by Health care provider-A Secondary Analysis of GATS 2 Survey Data’ at the IAPSM National Conference from 5th to 8th March 2019 at IGMC Shimla.
- Presented an oral paper titled “Outbreak Investigation of Hepatitis E at Waadi, Nagpur during IAPSM National Conference from 28th to 30th January 2020 in Chennai, Tamilnadu
- Resource person for the workshop on ‘Advanced Research Methodology’ was organized by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences from 10th to 15th December.
- Resource person for the topic “Motivational interviewing technique” in the Capacity Building for Primary Healthcare Providers for Tobacco Control on 15th June 2019 at Nagpur
- Resource person for the topic “ROC Curve” in the online workshop conducted by JIPMER from 7th -8th May 2021.
- Resource person for the workshop on ‘Evaluating diagnostic tests: A primer’ conducted on 3rd September 202I under IPHA Conference conducted at JIPMER
- Resource person for the workshop on ‘Quasi-experimental Studies –Design and Analysis’ conducted on 8th September 2021 under IPHA Conference conducted at JIPMER
Books and Chapters
- Rajvir Bhalwar, Sujiv A, Pradeep Deshmukh. General Principles of Infectious Disease Epidemiology Textbook of Community Medicine. Wolters Kluwer Publishing. 4th edition. 2021;611-623
- Rajvir Bhalwar, Sujiv A, Pradeep Deshmukh. Surveillance of Diseases and National Integrated Disease Surveillance Program. Textbook of Community Medicine. Wolters Kluwer Publishing. 4th edition. 2021;623-632
- Rajesh Vaidya, Sujiv A, Pradeep Deshmukh. Immunity and Immunization. Textbook of Community Medicine.Wolters Kluwer Publishing. 4th edition.2021;633-650
- Rajesh Vaidya, Rajvir Bhalwar, Sujiv A, Pradeep Deshmukh. Disinfection and Sterilization. Textbook of Community Medicine. Wolters Kluwer Publishing. 4th edition. 2021;651-660
- Rajesh Vaidya, Sujiv A. Smallpox – A learning from History. Textbook of Community Medicine. Wolters Kluwer Publishing.4th edition. 2021;721-722
- Sujiv A, Pradeep Deshmukh. Pandemic Management. Textbook of Community Medicine. Wolters Kluwer Publishing.4th edition.2021;1107-1111
Research Projects
As Principal Investigator
- Effectiveness of dietary interventions to reduce salt intake: A systematic review and meta-analysis - funded project under ICMR – Project cost ₹9.58 lakhs
- Validation of WHO-ICF Based Screening tool for Developmental Disorders and its implementation by Community Health Volunteers: A Mixed Methods Study – a funded project under DHR- project cost - ₹28 lakhs
- Risk Factors for COVID-19 associated Mucormycosis – A nested case-control study
As co-investigator
- Social connectedness and mental health status among elderly during COVID-19 pandemic - PI (Dr Pradeep Deshmukh) Funded by ICSSR
Improving the health care access and quality in the context of improving Universal health Coverage (UHC) among scheduled Tribes – an Implementation Research - An ICMR funded National Task Force multi centric study
- Cost effectiveness of screening strategies for diabetic peripheral neuropathy (Monofilament Vs Biothesiometer) – A comprehensive health technology assessment in the state of Maharashtra, India
Awards & Honors
- Awarded Prof.R.K.Kar Best Postgraduate in Community Medicine by JIPMER
- Assistant Editor of International Journal of Medicine and Public Health