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All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur

  • Designation: Assistant Professor
  • Qualification: MBBS, MD, DNB (PMR), MNAMS, PGDHM, MAHA, FDFM
  • Email:

        Areas of interest : 

  • Neuro rehabilitation
  • Pediatric rehabilitation
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Diabetic foot management





Membership & Training

  • National Academy of Medical sciences, India (NAMS-India)
  • International Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (ISPRM).
  • Indian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.(IAPMR)
  • Mumbai Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.(MAPMR)
  • Indian Podiatry Association.(IPA)
  • Academy of Hospital Administration (AHA)


  • Santoshi JA, Jain S, Popalwar HJ, Pakhare AP. Musculoskeletal disorders and associated risk factors in Coaching students: A cross-sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care 2019; 8:929-33
  • Popalwar H, Gaur A, Athani B, Jayasree R; Clinical examination and foot pressure analysis of diabetic foot: Prospective analytical study in Indian diabetic patients, NJMR, 2016; 6(1):17-22
  • Dhole S, Gaur A, More S, Popalwar H, Lokhande V; Study of Locomotor Disability due to Various Types of Trauma, NJMR, 2015; 5(3):194-198
  • A.K. Gaur, A.S. Mhambre, H. Popalwar, R. Sharma; Macrodystrophica lipomatosa of foot involving great toe. The foot, the international Journal of clinical foot science. 24 (2014) 86-88
  • Harshanand P, Anil Kumar G, Vivek P, Jayasree R. Mucopolysaccharidosis and rehabilitation. IJPMR June 2013; Vol 24 (2): 44-7

Books / Chapters Published

Books and Chapters: 

  1. contributing author - IAPMR Guideline to Manage Child/Adult with Cerebral Paly- contributing author 
  2. contributing author- IAPMR Telemedicine guidelines for Cerebral Palsy



  1. 49th National conference of Indian association of physical medicine and rehabilitation; January 2021- “Practice standards in diabetic foot management” 
  2. Webinar on “DMD Current trends in management”: AIIMS Nagpur, 22nd December 2020 “Rehabilitation Management solutions in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)”
  3. IAPMR Midterm CME 2020: AIIMS Patna 31st October 2020 “Setting Up and Execution of Telemedicine based Pulmonary Rehabilitation program for Covid 19 Illness”
  4. IPARM clinical meet: 20th June 2020, “overview of pulmonary rehab program and setting up of pulmonary rehab clinic”

Honors and Awards:  

  1. Certificate of merit by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik for 1st place in MD PMR examination
  2. Best paper presentation award at 2nd Annual conference of Mumbai Association of PMR
  3. Certificate of merit by society for promotion of medical research, All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mumbai for dissertation entitled “ study of plantar foot pressure distribution and measurement in diabetic foot” for MD course year 2012-2013
  4. Certificate of honor by society for promotion of medical research, All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for outstanding performance in MD PMR exam for the year 2012-2013