Areas of interest :
Membership of Scientific Societies & training:
• Life member Indian Association of Pathologists & Microbiologists
• Co-opted fellow of INDIACLEN( Indian association of clinical Epidemiology)
• Life member : Indian Academy of Cytologists
• Life member & President: Association of cytologists of Maharashtra
• Life member & former president: Vidarbha Association of Pathologists & Microbiologists
• Life member: Academy of medical Sciences & IMA Nagpur.
Short term trainings:
• Clinical Hepatopathology
• Advanced course in Medical Education Technology
• LAMP: Leadership and management training : INDIACLEN
1.Principle Investigator: Pediatric HIV Microbial Profile: USAID-INCLEN funded
2. Atlas Of Cancer In India(ICMR,WHO funded) Coordinator
1. Non tobacco related cancer-the Y dimension: INCLEN annual conference 2002, Kunming ,China
2. Paper presentation : Plenary session Prognostic Evaluation of morphological subtypes of acute
lymphoblastic leukemia and its clinicohematologic associations, IAPM National conference, Pune, 1991
3. State conference moderator for slide seminar 2013-15
4. Faculty for workshops and CMES on Gynaec Cytology, research methodology, telepathology, Thyroid cytology, oral cancer, Medical education technology, blood banking, flow cytometry, ancillary techniques, endometrial pathology , renal cytology : at national, state and local levels.
5. Quiz Master: Conducted UG and PG quiz at state level.
Honors and Awards:
1. University best student: 1981
2. President : Association of Cytologists of Maharashtra
3. President Vidarbha Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists
4. Executive member: Maharashtra chapter of IAPM