- Designation: Tutor
- Qualification: Biochmistry
- Email: jancyjose@aiimsnagpur.edu.in
Areas of expertise
- Metabolic disorders
- Medical education
- Molecular biology
- Clinical Chemistry
- Certificate course on “Internal Audit & Quality Management System” as per ISO 15189 2022(New version)
- Jose J, Nandeesha H, Kattimani S, Meiyappan K, Sarkar S, Sivasankar D. Association between prolactin and thyroid hormones with severity of psychopathology and suicide risk in drug free male schizophrenia. Clinica Chimica Acta. 2015 Apr 15;444:78-80.
- Devanarayanan S, Nandeesha H, Kattimani S, Sarkar S, Jose J. Elevated copper, hs C-reactive protein and dyslipidemia in drug free schizophrenia: relation with psychopathology score. Asian journal of psychiatry. 2016 Dec 1;24:99-102.
- John JE, Sakarde A, Misra SS, Mundle S, Jose J, Tripathi SC, Amle D, John J, Tripathi SC. Evaluating Ischemia-Modified Albumin as an Early Biomarker for Hypertensive Disorders During Pregnancy: A Case-Control Study. Cureus. 2022 Oct 30;14(10).
- John J, Sakarde A, Chafle J, Amle D, Jose J, Sakhare V, Rathod BD, Sakhare VV, Rathod Sr BD. An Assessment of the Utility of Serum Fructosamine in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Diabetes Mellitus. Cureus. 2023 Jan 9;15(1).
Books/chapters published:
Tripathi SC, Jose J, Takhelmayum R (2020). Biology of some specialized cells: Cancer. Tripathi PN (Editor), Cytology. Ayodhya, IN: Koshal Publications.
- Part of the organising committee for Hybrid national CME on “Translational medicine – from bench to the bedside “ held at AIIMS Nagpur on 28th July 2022
- Part of the organising committee for workshop on “Cell culture techniques” held at AIIMS Nagpur on 29th July 2022